Stand Stay Black- Stay Proud Stay White- Stay Proud Stay Brown- Stay Proud Stay Yellow- Stay Proud Don't be afraid to be what you are, Cause all you can be, is you! You ll never be anything else but you, So be the best you, you can be. Keep it real - by all means, at all times. Whether a lawyer, a doctor, a football player, a toilet cleaner, a garbage handler, a panhandler- Keep it real and still- be the best you can be. Have pride, have dignity, stand! Stand proud, talk proud, act proud, be proud! Don't lay down, back down, bow down, run away, sell yourself, sell into criticism. Be real and realise that the ones who criticize, best recognize that you are you- take it or leave it. " MMM HMM !" I knew you'd get it. Get what? The stuff- the stuff called pride, that attitude, that aura, your identity, your self, your pride, peace of mind, worry free. See, I cant be you, but I...