Reasons to be Grateful

I am joining in with Maxabella Love's blog hop this week. She asks us to reflect on what we are grateful for.

1) I finally got the all clear from the hospital yesterday after having a difficult miscarriage. 10 weeks of mixed emotions, pain etc and i can now start again. So waiting for 1 cycle then onto some bonking so to speak lol!.

2)Me and my husband rarely get out anymore, he works difficult hours, you can always guarantee something will pop up when ever we plan to go out or we just simply don't have the cash, well last night i took charge. We went to the cinema to watch Transformers the dark side of the moon. Popcorn, pop and the company of my husband...bliss!!

3) I have felt drained for the past week and really tired so I'm thankful to my son this morning for giving me a lie in. Usually he is up at 6 am making a right racket, this morning he got up and was quiet and played on his ps2 so a little lie in was had.

Why not pop over to Maxbella's blog and check out other peoples:) Just click on the badge!


  1. Oh that is such good news and long awaited too. Here's to rampant love-making and good news soon. Glad you got a night out too - I always find because we don't get them very often, we value them all the more.

  2. I couldnt agree with you more Kate xxx

  3. Cheers to lots and lots and lots of successful bonking! x

  4. Don't forget on blog hops like Reasons to be Grateful on Maxabella Loves, Silent Sundays on Mocha Beanie Mummy, The Gallery on Sticky Fingers blog, Reasons to be Cheerful on Mummy from the Heart blog, Magpie Monday on Me and My Shadow blog, the more you visit other people who have linked up and leave comments, the more people will come and comment on yours.

  5. Thanks Maxabella:) And yes i think i can do most of them Kate just prolly not magpie monday as never really get the chance to shop lol xx


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