Catch up from this week!

So its been one of those long weeks, yes i know its not even over yet!
My darling stepson turned 10 yesterday!! Yay Happy Birthday Lucas!!

His mom usually does him a party of some sort every year along with his sister whom shares the same birth date. However this year on his 10Th...his double numbers...his lead into teenage years, she didn't! So we swiftly decided on Friday last to throw him a small tea party type thing, nothing huge just some food and balloons and a few of his friends from the estate...sounds so common that doesn't it lol..but alas its quite posh if i say so myself! Its a lovely estate with only one entrance (unless of course you jump over the bordering fence!) Anyways...his face was a picture when he saw the banners and balloons on the door...a surprise party...check! Good pressies...check! Super dooper buns made by yours truly....check! Friends to attend...check! A large Glass or bottle should i say of wine for me once the children have all gone home and the cleaning is done.....CHECK! We had success!! Oh and can i also say check out the birthday cake made by me truly also. Not fantastic but they all loved it, and commented on it so made me proud as its the first one i have ever made and decorated too :)

So as many know I'm in the process of trying to conceive. After having a strange Af i have been checking my ovulation with tests...nothing still :( I'm guessing I'm not having a 28 day cycle this month. Longest i went before my miscarriage is 45 days! Shock horror i know.

In a way i guess i don't mind too much as i know when i do get the bfp i will be worried sick about if it was going to be OK. The fact that Dr's WONT screen you until you have had 3 consecutive miscarriages makes me a little tetchy. But anyways...certainly having fun trying.

Nothing much more to report really, the children break up from school on Friday. 6 blissful weeks..Not!


  1. I like this post, such a mix of topics all handled well.
    Things are on the up for you - told you the tide would turn.
    Loving your poem too especially this week lol

  2. Yes i did think of you a little as i was posting a good way ofc :) xxx Hope things are looking better for you hun xx


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