Supporting Breakthrough Breastcancer Campaign

Are you a blogger who would like to make a difference?

Did you know that around 1000 women die from breast cancer every month? One in eight women will develop breast cancer at sometime in their lifetime. It is important to note that men also get breast cancer. The good news is that more people are surviving breast cancer due to greater awareness, improved treatments and better screening.

Kate on Thin Ice is looking for 90 generous bloggers to write about an important woman in their life in 90 words and to join in this blog hop. You can write about any woman that matters to you – a grandmother, a mum, a daughter, a friend, a blogger, a boss, whoever you wish. Posts can be as long or short as you wish. Find out more here.

When Kate asked me to contribute to this i really had to think hard about whom i could write about. Who had influenced me in my life. Ofc first thoughts were my mom, an abusive second marriage, loss of her children to adoption through this marriage. A general difficult life.
My little sister. Classed as a manic depressant. Having tried to commit suicide 3 times so now classed as a risk. Forever to be on meds. But found happiness with her partner and soon to have a wedding ceremony.
My grandparents.......i don't think i know them enough to class them as inspirational which does hurt to an extent as they are grandparents and they are suppose to influence are they not?
My step mom. She has been a friend, a rock and a step mommy and a step grandma but it would be obvious to write about that would it not?
My choice after much consideration was my mother in law.

She has been through what most women would probably read about in a magazine.
I married her only son in 2007 after 2 years of dating. He has 2 sisters alive and 3 dead.
When he was 18 months old himself, his 4 sisters and his mom and dad had an house fire. How it started no one knows. Balls of flames were seen rolling down the stairs. His sisters were all rescued as were himself. His dad was also saved. His mom....she was pushed from an upstairs window, with no one there to push her! Not going into detail, 3 children survived that fire. Two died along with an heroic fireman that had got all of them out. The church was overfilled at the funerals. A community came together over that period.
His other sister died on Christmas day before he was born.
Along with losing her daughters, her marriage breaking down after it she had cancer of the womb causing her to have an hysterectomy at a young age.
Maybe this is a little but of a morbid post, but i find this woman an inspiration to me, it shows that no matter the badness that can go through your life, the hurt, the upset, the unexplained situations. You can still fight on with a smile for otters to see.

Who inspires you?? Why not link up and tell all.

“Pink Ribbon Bingo have pledged to support Breakthrough Breast Cancer all year round with 15% of the gross revenue accrued through online play on the site being donated to the charity. Visitors also have the opportunity to donate a percentage of their winnings directly to the charity. Along with the fundraising element, Pink Ribbon Bingo and The Daily Mail online will be helping the charity to raise awareness by promoting their vital health messages such as TLC (Touch, Look, Check).


  1. Thanks for joining in. If you think of all the women in your life, they have probably had most of what life can throw at women generally. You will have learned a lot from all of them.
    Really appreciate you joining in and the lovely things you say about me too.


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