Today your 9 years old

This day 9 years ago i had spent a rough night up and down the stair, in and out of the bath with what i though was simple back ache from sleeping on the sofa. Little did i know it would be the day you entered the world, enter my life.
It was a long labour of 21 hours! I remember going to the hospital and having to wait a few hours for you to show. 19.49 you showed, screaming your head off. You was so small a tiny 6lbs 6oz.
You weren't suppose to show till 29Th Feb so a whole month early!
You reminded me of a capuchin monkey the way you would lie with your hands cupped to your chest.
I couldn't believe you were mine, nobody could take you away.
You were an easy baby very rarely cried and were never ill. You would go to sleep on a night and wake up with teeth! I call that easy! You soon grew and did all your first milestones. Smiling, crawling, walking and finally talking!

As a toddler you were chatting, shy and playful all in one. You loved Thomas the Tank Engine and would sit for hours watching The Magic Railroad. You loved starting school and would bring me lots of pictures or little bits of work you had done.

You are the type to throw yourself into any after school club, Karate been one of them. You were so proud to have got your orange belt last year, as was me and your dad. You've also tried your hand at cross country running and mad science. You are a keen computer user and will often tell others how to do things whether its on a laptop or a game.

As you have grown older so has your attitude lol. Sometimes the only way to contain you is to put you in Suki's cage!

So my darling Kian, it is with great pleasure that i welcome you into your 9Th year with us. You bring us much joy, love and laughter.
Happy birthday my darling son
Love mom and dad xxx

(Would just like to mention cage was a joke, i do not in any way shape or form keep in in one!!)


  1. Your success story - well done you.

  2. I just wanted to say, I hope you were ok yesterday. I started blogging when you did, we met on bounty, lost me baby a little while before you. I'm now going through my second miscarrige, but love reading your blog, so thank you and I hope your doing ok x

  3. Ofc i remeber you Jade. You should pop onto teh forums more, im sure the lovely ladies there will help you through sucha sad time xx Hope you are doing ok hun x


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