Poetic Thursday

Not quiet a poem this week, rather nore of a quote. Anyone that has seen coach carter will know that this is where it is from.

Our deep­est fear is not that we are inad­e­quate. Our deep­est fear is that we are pow­er­ful beyond mea­sure. It is our light, not our dark­ness that most fright­ens us. Your play­ing small does not serve the world. There is noth­ing enlight­ened about shrink­ing so that other peo­ple won’t feel inse­cure around you. We are all meant to shine as chil­dren do. It’s not just in some of us; it is in every­one. And as we let our own lights shine, we uncon­sciously give other peo­ple per­mis­sion to do the same. As we are lib­er­ated from our own fear, our pres­ence auto­mat­i­cally lib­er­ates others.


  1. Loving this one lots and lots. Have seen it before but still love it and always worth being reminded of the truth of it too.


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