Reasons to be Grateful- the weather, my kittens and my quiet son.

I'm joining in with Maxabella's blog hop Reasons to be Grateful.

After much stressful thinking and deciding i have come up with a few. Although really not easy on a day like today.

Today i had planned to clean the house from top to bottom, i have slacked over the past weeks with more visits to the hospital and moving my mother-in-law. However i woke this morning at 5a, to get my darling hubby up for work and was plagued with a stomach ache. So took my meds and went back to sleep.

For some reason i have been feeling sick the past few not morning sickness!
So as you can gather i feel kinda babby as my son would say.

So my reasons to be grateful are..

1)the weather is rubbish so the majority of the washing can wait till tomorrow, hopefully the sun will show her face.

2)My son whom is usually a very noisy boy on a morning has sat on the sofa and has been very quiet hence giving my pounding head a break.
3)When you feeling rubbish and really don't want to smile, my 8 week old kittens chase each other around the room, stopping to jump on the sofa give you a kiss before scarpering off again. This makes me giggle and smile.

Not a great entry i know but..i am grateful for all 3!

Why not pop over to and see what other people are finding grateful.


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